Best value fish tanks!

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BOYU Aquarium Fish Bow Front Tank & Cabinet 108cm 300L Black - Real Aquatics
BOYU Aquarium Fish Bow Front Tank & Cabinet 108cm 300L White - Real Aquatics
Aqua One Urban Oak Style Aquarium Fish Tank with Cabinet 116cm 230L - Real AquaticsAqua One Urban Oak Style Aquarium Fish Tank with Cabinet 116cm 230L - Real Aquatics
Fluval Shaker 252L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Hampshire Oak - Real AquaticsFluval Shaker 252L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Hampshire Oak - Real Aquatics
Aqua One Horizon Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet 122cm 182L - Real AquaticsAqua One Horizon Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet 122cm 182L - Real Aquatics
Fluval Shaker 252L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Slate Grey - Real AquaticsFluval Shaker 252L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Slate Grey - Real Aquatics
Fluval Shaker 168L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Slate Grey - Real AquaticsFluval Shaker 168L Aquarium Fish Tank & Cabinet Slate Grey - Real Aquatics

Blog posts and news!

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Tropica | Guide to Planting Aquarium Plants

Tropica | Guide to Planting Aquarium Plants

The easiest way to plant in the aquarium is at a water level of just a few centimetres from the bottom. Many aquarists traditionally plant their plants when the aquarium is full, but this way it can be difficult to orient yourself in the water.
Fantasy Fish AI: Neon Tetra Rocking Out in an Aquarium!

Fantasy Fish AI: Neon Tetra Rocking Out in an Aquarium!

In this regular blog we ask an AI image creator to produce images or videos of the 'fantasy fish' we would like to keep if we could find or create them. This time around we asked AI to "show me shoals of neon tetra fish swimming in an aquarium with rock music playing in the background" and this is what we got!
Black "Fish" Friday | Black Ghost Knifefish

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Ghost Knifefish

Congratulations on finding the last of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The black ghost knifefish, scientifically known as Apteronotus albifrons, is a fascinating and unique freshwater fish.
Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Congratulations on finding the eighth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The red tail shark, scientifically known as Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, is a freshwater fish species that's popular in the aquarium hobby.
Fantasy Fish AI: Mesmerising Koi Fish Feeding

Fantasy Fish AI: Mesmerising Koi Fish Feeding

This time around we asked AI to "show me mesmerising koi fish feedfng in a garden fibreglass pond with commentary in a traditional English accent" and this is what we got!
Fantasy Fish AI: Animated Fancy Goldfish Feeding Time

Fantasy Fish AI: Animated Fancy Goldfish Feeding Time

Coldwater Fish
In this regular blog we ask an AI image creator to produce images or videos of the 'fantasy fish' we would like to keep if we could find or create them. This time around we asked AI to "show me striking fancy goldfish anime style waiting for feeding time swimming in an aquarium" and this is what we got.
Black "Fish" Friday | Duboisi Cichlid

Black "Fish" Friday | Duboisi Cichlid

Congratulations on finding the seventh of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The Duboisi Cichlid, also known as the White Spotted Cichlid or Tropheus duboisi, is a vibrant and fascinating species of African Cichlid. 
Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish


Congratulations on finding the sixth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! Angelfish are egg layers but struggle with parental care, so are not easy to breed without a hatchery or separate breeding tank.

Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco

Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco


Congratulations on finding the fifth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The Bristlenose Pleco is great for community tropical aquariums, they live peacfully with others and help to remove the fallen food at the bottom of the tank.