News and Blogs
What are aquarium Fish Nets useful for?
Tropical fish are often delicate and can be easily stressed or injured. Using a soft, fine-mesh net helps minimise harm to their fins and scales. Read more >
Fish Profiles: Siamese Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens
As the name suggests, male Betta fish are typically aggressive, especially towards other male Betta - so solitary aquariums or tanks with bottom-feeder tankmates are recommended.
Fish Profiles: Dragon Wrasse
House only one per tank. Rockmover Wrasse should not be placed in a reef aquarium. Your marine aquarium should also have a tight-fitting lid to prevent it from jumping out.
Fish Profiles: American Flagfish
The American flagfish is a voracious eater, so will eat almost anything vaible it finds in your aquarium. American Flag Fish have been known to eat hair algae and soft plant leaves.
FishScience: The Go-To Fish Food
FishScience is a premium brand of fish foods. The use of natural colour-enhancing ingredients, vitamin-rich components, and groundbreaking insect meal-based recipes make FishScience the go-to for breeders and fishkeepers.
Fish Profiles: Garra Rufa Fish
In the wild, Garra Rufa fish, as well as other species like Mollies, will nibble on your feet if you dip your feet into a pool or around harbours, etc. This can be quite entertaining, but why someone would want to monetise this into a health care regime is beyond us.
Choosing the right Wildlife Pond
You can use a range of materials to create a wildlife pond. Digging a hole and lining it with pond underlay and pond liner will do the job, but you can also purchase pre-formed ponds.
How to Create a Wildlife Pond in your Garden
In addition to being a wonderful feature to enjoy in your garden, wildlife ponds are fantastic for aiding local environmental conservation, and can support local populations of insects, birds, mammals, amphibians and various other species.
How to use Pond Barley Straw for Clear Pond Water
For the best results and algae prevention, adding more barley straw a few times a year is good practice to make sure there is always a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the pond water.