Aquatic Oddities: Trickle the Ivories

Aquatic Oddities: Trickle the Ivories

In this regular blog feature we present aquatic-themed oddities and curiosities discovered throughout the UK. It could be an old abandoned water garden, or an antique fish fairground ride, or strange graffiti. if you spot anything odd or curious that's pond or aquarium themed, drop us an email!

Here is an exquisite antique piano / working aquarium spotted in Gateway Antiques, Burford, a delightful antiques shop in the Oxfordshire Cotswolds. Someone has had the genius idea of embedding a fish tank into an old piano, complete with a Fluval external filter in the underside casing! Anybody know a good piano tuna?

To browse our range of Tropical Aquariums please click here.

To browse our range of Fluval Aquarium products please click here.

Photo credit(s): Gateway Antiques, M Chinnery

AquariumsAquatic oddities

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