What are the best All-in-One Pond Filters for 2024?
In this regular build-up to pond season feature, we detail the best selling and most reliable pond products from last year to inform your purchases for 2024.
Here we detail which all-in-one pond filters proved the most popular and most reliable, based on our own 2023 data.
We calculate our list based on a simple formula of volume of sales divided by the total number of complaints, warranty faults and returns during 2023. The highest scoring top-5 are listed below.
Below is a list of the recommended best all in one pond filters for 2024:
1. PondXpert All in One Pump Filter UV Triple Action 3000 Evolve - the best overall all-in-one pond filter.
2. PondXpert All in One Pump Filter UV Triple Action 6000 Evolve - one of the best all-in-one filters available.
3. Pontec PondoRell 3000 All in One Pond Filter / Pump / UV / Fountain - highly recommended for small ponds or water features.
4. PondXpert All in One Pump Filter UV Triple Action 9000 Evolve - a highly recommended all-in-one filter pump.
5. Oase Filtral 3000 All In One Pump Filter UVC - a premium option for high quality pond filtration.
About this list of Best Filters for 2024
All in one pond filters combine pumping pond water and filtering in one complete package. They often include a UV steriliser and may have a pond fountain attachment included.
Above are listed the top 5 best all-in-one pond filters for 2024, based on Real Aquatics 2023 sales and reliability data from Real Aquatics outlets on eBay, Amazon and official websites.
The list above consists of all in one filters for ponds only, and does not include variations such as box filters or drum filters for ponds. These are featured in separate lists.
To browse our range of all in one pond filter pumps please click here.
To browse our full range of pond pumps including all variations please click here.
Photo credit(s): Canva Pro Licence