Tales from a Glass Fibre Pond Delivery Driver

Tales from a Delivery Driver

Fibreglass preformed ponds create a wonderful feature for your garden or patio. Easy to install, completely solid and water tight, these ponds are the perfect hassle-free way to get into the pondkeeping hobby. Here at Real Aquatics we sell thousands of fibreglass ponds every year.

When we book a delivery with you, we will always run through a checklist to ensure you are aware of the process. However, not all customers pay attention, and sometimes costly (and amusing!) mistakes are made.

One particular delivery, a lacklustre landscaper neglected to measure the access through the alleyway to his clients' garden out back. Despite the gap being nearly a foot narrower than the pond he continued his denial by removing a side gate and all of the drainpipes leading through, buying less than a couple of inches. After literally jumping up and down in abject frustration, he angrily blamed our driver for not knowing that his clients' alleyway was too narrow. The same landscaper also answered "yes, yes, yes, whatever" when we called beforehand to book delivery and asked whether it would fit.

We turned up at a large chain garden centre with a pallet load of ponds one morning, arranged on a large 3m2 pallet, and waited while the novice forklift operator fiddled and wrangled unloading. After setting the pallet on the ground he then proceeded to drive his forks straight through the stack. He turned and asked our driver, "are we still covered by the guarantee...?".

One client employed a group of builders to rebuild a conservatory with a medium-sized pond as a centrepiece. When we delivered to his clients driveway and could see no obvious access to the rear, we watched on in astonishment as this group of burly men lifted the pond onto the roof of the garage, to slide it over into the garden. The method would have worked perfectly if the young labourer sent onto the roof to push it through hadn't disappeared into the shed through the rotten rafters on route. Thankfully, he was ok!

To browse our range of fibreglass ponds online please click here.

To browse our complete range of preformed ponds online please click here.

Photo credit(s): Real Aquatics (rights reserved)

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