Fantasy Fish AI: Mesmerising Koi Fish Feeding

Fantasy Fish AI: Mesmerising Koi Fish Feeding


This time around we asked AI to "show me mesmerising koi fish feeding in a garden fibreglass pond with commentary in a traditional English accent" and this is what we got!

PondXpert Guides | Pond Electrics

PondXpert Guides | Pond Electrics

UK Law and building regulations state that anything that is to be installed permanently outside and, in a pond, should be hard wired into the electrical circuit. This means that pumps and filters do not come with plugs fitted.
Koi Fish Thefts | Misguided Theives

Koi Fish Thefts | Misguided Theives

Good quality koi carp can cost a couple of hundred pounds at your average garden centre or koi farm, but any potential resale value is negligible - especially after being introduced into your unique garden pond ecosystem.