Aquatic Oddities: Pond Mould Salvage

Aquatic Oddities: Pond Mould Salvage

In this regular blog feature we present aquatic-themed oddities and curiosities discovered throughout the UK. It could be an old abandoned water garden, or an antique fish fairground ride, or strange graffiti. if you spot anything odd or curious that's pond or aquarium themed, drop us an email!

In this article, we picture some fibreglass pond moulds, discovered amongst the bushes and weeds at an architectural salvage site. These seemingly rotten bits of salvage turned out to be usable and recoverable, and could one day be re-tasked to create glass fibre ponds for your garden.

Check out our images below!

To browse our range of fibreglass ponds online please click here.

To browse our range of instant plastic ponds online please click here.

To browse our range of wildlife ponds online please click here.

Photo credit(s): M Chinnery

Aquatic odditiesGardensPonds

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