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Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco
Black Friday Deals | 2024
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Bristlenose Pleco
The Bristlenose Pleco is great for community tropical aquariums, they live peacfully with others and help to remove the fallen food at the bottom of the tank. Ensure you have an aquarium with a ready supply of algae on the glass or around plants and ornaments to keep them feed. They also love nothing better than sucking on a nice bit of driftwood.
Typical purchase size:4-10cm
Maximum size: 30cm
Origin: South America
Ideal number kept together: 1+
Water conditions
pH: 5-7.5
Hardness: 36–268 ppm
Temperature: 23–27 °C
Ease of care
Easy. Bristlenose pleco are great for beginners as they are hardy and live well in a wider range of freshwater aquaria parameters.
Algae treats and bottom feeder pellets are best for them however they can also be given live or frozen food occasionally, as a treat.
Peaceful, community aquarium. They live well with tank mates such as Tetras, Livebearers or other tropical fish. They like a planted aquarium with driftwood, caves and hiding places.
Life Span
Bristlenose plecs can live to anything from 5-8 years in perfect conditions.
For more information on general fishkeeping please click here.
To browse our range of bottom feeder food please click here.
Photo credit(s): Canva Pro Licence