Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Congratulations on finding the eighth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The red tail shark, scientifically known as Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, is a freshwater fish species that's popular in the aquarium hobby.
Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco

Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco


Congratulations on finding the fifth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The Bristlenose Pleco is great for community tropical aquariums, they live peacfully with others and help to remove the fallen food at the bottom of the tank.

Got Plecs? Join our Facebook Community

Got Plecs? Join our Facebook Community

Join our FB page "Pleco Community UK" for friendly discussion and sharing of all things pleco! To browse our range of pleco fish supplies please click here.
Fish Profiles: Hillstream Tiger Loach

Fish Profiles: Hillstream Tiger Loach

If you’re interested in keeping Hillstream Loach as a pet, it’s recommended to have a minimum tank size of 100 litres that is well oxygenated with a high flow rate - supplement with dissolved oxygen tablets if needed.
Will a Clown Loach control my Aquarium Snail problem?

Will a Clown Loach control my Aquarium Snail problem?

Bottom Feeders
Clown Loach, as well as many other species in the same family, are often marketed as 'snail eaters' or 'pest snail control' for aquariums, but is this fair, and is this wise?
Catfish Love Caves

Catfish Love Caves

Bottom Feeders
There are plenty of plastic or resin ornaments available for aquariums that mimic caves, or are purpose-built caves. Anything with holes that are smooth and fish-friendly will do the job.
Classifying Fishes: Order Siluriformes

Classifying Fishes: Order Siluriformes

Bottom Feeders
The order Siluriformes contains the numerous families of catfish, including species like aquarium-dwelling plecostomus and corydoras, to large-growing redtail catfish and river-dwelling Mekong Giant catfish.
Will Albino Corys clean my tank?

Will Albino Corys clean my tank?

Bottom Feeders
Corydoras are small catfish which is quite happy on its own but even happier in a group of corydoras, and will shoal in nu
Are Albino Corys a shoaling fish?

Are Albino Corys a shoaling fish?

Bottom Feeders
The Albino Corydoras catfish is a very peaceful bottom-feeding schooling fish that is compatible with most popular peaceful community aquarium fish species.
Can Bumblebee Gobies live in Freshwater conditions?

Can Bumblebee Gobies live in Freshwater conditions?

Bottom Feeders
The bumblebee goby, Brachygobius doriae, is a species that frequently appears nowadays in both brackish and freshwater aquaria.