January Sale 2025 | 10% Discount Voucher | Look!

January Sale 2025 | 10% Discount Voucher | Look!


Happy New Year to you - thanks for being a loyal Real Aquatics customer!

To celebrate the new year we would like to give you a whopping 10% off your next order! Simply enter the code JAN25 upon checkout to redeem!

Market Research | What are we missing?

Market Research | What are we missing?

Please leave your ideas and names of products or brands you want us to source in the comments below. If we start doing or selling your suggestion, we will enter you into a monthly draw for a £50 gift voucher!
Black "Fish" Friday | Black Ghost Knifefish

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Ghost Knifefish

Congratulations on finding the last of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The black ghost knifefish, scientifically known as Apteronotus albifrons, is a fascinating and unique freshwater fish.
Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Black "Fish" Friday | Red Tail Shark

Congratulations on finding the eighth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The red tail shark, scientifically known as Epalzeorhynchos bicolor, is a freshwater fish species that's popular in the aquarium hobby.
Black "Fish" Friday | Duboisi Cichlid

Black "Fish" Friday | Duboisi Cichlid

Congratulations on finding the seventh of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The Duboisi Cichlid, also known as the White Spotted Cichlid or Tropheus duboisi, is a vibrant and fascinating species of African Cichlid. 
Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish


Congratulations on finding the sixth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! Angelfish are egg layers but struggle with parental care, so are not easy to breed without a hatchery or separate breeding tank.

Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco

Black "Fish" Friday | Bristlenose Pleco


Congratulations on finding the fifth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The Bristlenose Pleco is great for community tropical aquariums, they live peacfully with others and help to remove the fallen food at the bottom of the tank.

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Guppy

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Guppy

Congratulations on finding the fourth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! The male Guppy is one of the most popular tropical fish. They are bright and colourful which really stands out in any aquarium.
Black "Fish" Friday Deals | Black Ram Cichlid

Black "Fish" Friday Deals | Black Ram Cichlid

Congratulations on finding the third of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! Black Ram Cichlids are highly sought after variants of South American rams that often retail at much higher cost than the more common blue and Bolivian variants.
Black "Fish" Friday Deals | Black Moor Goldfish

Black "Fish" Friday Deals | Black Moor Goldfish


Congratulations on finding the second of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! A member of the Cyprinidae family, Black Moors are a variety of goldfish with a unique and characteristic appearance.