Fish Profiles | Bamboo Shrimp

Fish Profiles | Bamboo Shrimp

Atyopsis moluccensis, also known as the Bamboo shrimp, Wood Shrimp, Fan or Flower shrimp, is a freshwater shrimp native to southeast Asia. Due to their larger size when compared to cherry shrimp, they make a more suitable addition to community tanks with bigger fish.

Bamboo shrimp are one of the most interesting shrimp in this hobby. Despite their impressive size, they are very peaceful. Bamboo shrimp can be easily kept with other dwarf shrimp, snails, or non-aggressive fish in the aquarium. They come in a variety of colors including brown (most common) green, and creamy white. In addition, Bamboo shrimp have a large stripe down their back which is particularly pronounced in young shrimp, and somewhat faded in older specimens.

In flowing water, Bamboo shrimp spread their chelae, or 'feather-like' front legs – fans, hence the name 'fan shrimp'. Adding Indian almond catappa leaves to the aquarium will help Bamboo shrimp to molt and thrive. Bamboo shrimp prefer to sit on driftwood, stem plants or rocks from which they filter their food.

As with all shrimp species - do not use copper treatments, copper is extremely harmful to crustaceans. Many treatments for bacteria, fungus or worms are unsuitable for shrimp aquariums due to the copper contained within these treatments - please be mindful of this before you purchase.

Can I house fish and shrimp together?

Caution must be taken with all shrimp species if you are considering housing with fish. There are plenty of fish species that will live quite happily with shrimp. Please do your research however, as many fish, even community species, will view shrimp as food and attempt to eat them. As a general rule, do not house with larger fish that can fit a shrimp in its mouth.

What do Bamboo shrimp eat?
Bamboo shrimp filter micro-organisms from the water, along with tiny particles of fish food. Supplement with small live/frozen foods such as cyclops and brineshrimp and ground-up flake. Bamboo shrimp do not eat algae wafers or shrimp pellets.

How many Bamboo shrimp should I keep together?
There are typically no recommended stocking requirements - you can house one individual without issue, but Bamboo shrimp will thrive in a group of 3 or more. Unlike dwarf shrimp such as cherry, Bamboo shrimp will contribute towards normal stocking density due to their larger size.


Approx. supplied size: 2-3" / 5-7 cm
Maximum size: 5" / 12cm
Origin: Southeast Asia
Family: Atyopsis
Scientific name: Atyopsis moluccensis
Temperament: Peaceful
Lighting requirement: Low
Ideal number kept together: 3+
Average purchase price (2025): £10-15 each.

Water conditions
Our conditions: pH 7.5-8.0
Ideal pH: 6.5–7.5
dH: 6-15
TDS: 100-350 (tapwater raised)
Water flow: moderate to strong
Temperature: 23-29°C

Ease of care
Bamboo shrimp are easy to care for. Fine substrate, moderate water flow and plenty of hiding places are recommended for a thriving Bamboo shrimp setup.

Bamboo shrimp are difficult to breed. To sex them, you'll see that males first set of legs (pereopods) are thicker, whereas females are fuller bodied with a longer carapace. Females are commonly seen carrying eggs, but breeding isn't simple because fry depend on brackish conditions to develop into post-larvae. Acclimitising shrimp or fry to-and-from brackish salty conditions can prove problematic and isn't recommended. 

Life Span
Bamboo shrimp can live to up to 6 years in perfect aquarium conditions. 

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Photo credit(s): Shutterstock / Canva Pro Licence.


AlgaeAquascapeAtyopsisBottom feedersFish profilesFreshwater fishKnowledgeShrimpTropical fish

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