Black Beard Algae | The Lowdown and the Cause

Black Beard Algae | The Lowdown and the Cause


Preventing blackbeard algae involves maintaining balanced lighting, nutrient levels, and CO2, as well as quarantining new additions to your aquarium. Blackbeard algae, also known as brush algae or Audouinella, can be quite a nuisance in aquariums. Here are the primary causes of its growth.

PondXpert Guide: Aerating your Pond using an Air Pump

PondXpert Guide: Aerating your Pond using an Air Pump

In this PondXpert guide, we will explore the why and how of pond aeration, focusing on the benefits of aeration, when your pond may need it, and the different types of pond air pumps available in the UK.
Evolution Aqua: From Murky to Marvellous

Evolution Aqua: From Murky to Marvellous

Performing regular water changes helps dilute the nutrients in the pond water, reducing the food supply for algae. Aim to change 10-20% of the water weekly, and use a dechlorinator if you’re using tap water.
How to use Pond Barley Straw for Clear Pond Water

How to use Pond Barley Straw for Clear Pond Water

For the best results and algae prevention, adding more barley straw a few times a year is good practice to make sure there is always a low concentration of hydrogen peroxide in the pond water.
Barley Straw Vs Barley Extract (Liquid) – Which is better?

Barley Straw Vs Barley Extract (Liquid) – Which is better?

When looking to purchase barley for ponds, you’ll likely come across two different products – barley straw and barley straw extract. Barley straw extract is a liquid formula which is more concentrated and faster to act compared to physical straw. Both of these work in a very similar way.
Barley Straw: How does it tackle Algae?

Barley Straw: How does it tackle Algae?

Remember, barley straw is a preventive method of algae control, not an algae killer, so a good result from barley treatment would be less algae returning the following year. To remove large algae blooms, always use a direct treatment method and only use barley to supplement the process.
Waterlife: The Nitrogen Cycle Explained

Waterlife: The Nitrogen Cycle Explained

The nitrogen cycle is a natural process which is responsible for the conversion and generation of different nitrogen compounds. Ammonia is a nitrogen compound, excreted by all fishes, and is extremely toxic to them.
Why do you need to keep an Aquarium clean?

Why do you need to keep an Aquarium clean?

Remember to perform partial water changes, vacuum the substrate and clean decorations to maintain a healthy aquatic environment!
PondXpert Guide | How to Combat Blanketweed

PondXpert Guide | How to Combat Blanketweed

An Ultra Violet Clarifier will not really work on blanketweed as it will not pass through the pump and filter. A UVC unit is there to make the single-cell algae clump together so it can be taken out by the filter.
What are Moss Balls?

What are Moss Balls?

Moss balls, Aegagrophila linnaei, were first introduced into the aquatic hobby in the 1970's. More recently, the shrimp keeping hobby has expanded their popularity.