Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish

Black "Fish" Friday | Black Angelfish


Congratulations on finding the sixth of our limited-time-only BLACK FRIDAY deals! Angelfish are egg layers but struggle with parental care, so are not easy to breed without a hatchery or separate breeding tank.

Classifying Fishes: Order Perciformes

Classifying Fishes: Order Perciformes

The order Perciformes contains the cichlids and the anabantoids. The anabantoids contains all gourami's and Siamese fighting fish. Among the well-known members of this group are also perch and darters (Percidae), sea bass and groupers.
Are Black Angel Fish aggressive?

Are Black Angel Fish aggressive?

Angelfish can be described as mildly aggressive but are generally peaceful. With enough space to claim their own territory, angelfish are peaceful, but when housed with too many fish of their kind or of a similar size, black angelfish fight and peck to defend their space or claim a breeding partner.
Are Zebra Angel Fish aggressive?

Are Zebra Angel Fish aggressive?

Although angelfish form schools, zebra angel fish are not sociable and rarely interact with one another. It must be pointed out however that angelfish are less aggressive than other American cichlids and are very unlikely to bully or fatally attack other fish species in the aquarium.
Are Platinum Angel Fish aggressive?

Are Platinum Angel Fish aggressive?

Angelfish can be described as mildly aggressive but are generally peaceful. With enough space to claim their own territory, angelfish are peaceful, but when housed with too many fish of their kind or of a similar size, platinum angelfish fight and peck to defend their space or claim a breeding partner.
Are Golden Angelfish aggressive?

Are Golden Angelfish aggressive?

Although angelfish form schools, angel fish are not sociable and rarely interact with one another. It must be pointed out however that angelfish are less aggressive than other American cichlids and are very unlikely to bully or fatally attack other fish species in the aquarium.
Are Tri Colour Angel Fish aggressive?

Are Tri Colour Angel Fish aggressive?

Angelfish can be described as mildly aggressive but are generally peaceful. With enough space to claim their own territory, angelfish are peaceful, but when housed with too many fish of their kind or of a similar size, angelfish fight and peck to defend their space or claim a breeding partner.
OATA Care Guides: Marine Dwarf Angelfish

OATA Care Guides: Marine Dwarf Angelfish


OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. In the wild, this group of fish are found in tropical seas including the Pacific and the Caribbean and there are more than 30 species

OATA Care Guide: Marine Angelfish

OATA Care Guide: Marine Angelfish


OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. This group of marine fish are brightly coloured and much larger than the dwarf angelfish. There are two genera which are commonly found in the aquarium trade