Fantasy Fish AI: Neon Tetra Rocking Out in an Aquarium!

Fantasy Fish AI: Neon Tetra Rocking Out in an Aquarium!

In this regular blog we ask an AI image creator to produce images or videos of the 'fantasy fish' we would like to keep if we could find or create them. This time around we asked AI to "show me shoals of neon tetra fish swimming in an aquarium with rock music playing in the background" and this is what we got!
Fish Profiles: Balloon Red Eye Tetra

Fish Profiles: Balloon Red Eye Tetra

The Balloon Red-Eyed Tetra is a unique freshwater fish, known for its silvery hue and lively demeanor. Native to South America, specifically Brazil, these tetras thrive in schools and are beginner-friendly.
Fish Profiles: Ember Tetra

Fish Profiles: Ember Tetra

Fish Profiles
Ember tetra are omnivorous. The main fish food we recommend would be flake crushed up or small granules. Because Ember tetra are small they cannot take big granules.
What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

The cardinal tetra is a freshwater fish of the family Characidae of order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America. The cardinal tetra lives in slow-moving waterways.
Fish Profiles: Neon Tetra

Fish Profiles: Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra is probably the world's most popular small tropical fish that really brightens up a freshwater tropical aquarium. Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) inhabit locations in South America.
What is a Blackwater Aquarium?

What is a Blackwater Aquarium?

While many brackish aquariums do give the appearance of a blackwater habitat, the phrase 'blackwater' simply refers to a type of freshwater aquarium that is characterized by its tinted, tea-colored water.
Fish Profiles: African Red-Eye Tetra

Fish Profiles: African Red-Eye Tetra

Fish Profiles
African red-eye tetras are peaceful but very active. Avoid keeping them with shy species. They make great companions in a West African-themed community tank alongside other Alestiid tetras.
Classifying Fishes: Order Characiformes

Classifying Fishes: Order Characiformes

Five "orders" make up 95% of the fishes in the freshwater aquarium hobby. They are the Cypriniformes, the Characiformes, the Siluriformes, the Cyprinodontiformes and the Perciformes.
Do Black Phantom Tetra prefer shade / low lighting?

Do Black Phantom Tetra prefer shade / low lighting?

The Black Phantom Tetra thrives best in aquariums with lower pH, heavily planted tanks with loose leaves on the bottom to create a more natural habitat. Black Phantoms make a stunning contrast fish when paired with their red-hued cousins such as the Red Phantom, Jewel, or Serpae tetra to shoal.
Are Black Phantom Tetra a shoaling fish?

Are Black Phantom Tetra a shoaling fish?

The black phantom tetra Hyphessobrycon megalopterus, or simply phantom tetra, is a small freshwater fish of the characin family of the order Characiformes. The black phantom tetra is native to the upper Paraguay basin and upper Madeira basin in Brazil and Bolivia.