Classifying Fishes: Order Cypriniformes

Classifying Fishes: Order Cypriniformes

The order Cypriniformes contains a vast variety of fish, including all of the carp-like fish (Common carp, koi carp, mirror carp etc) and smaller fish such as barbs, rasboras and danios, plus loaches and others.
What fish are ideal tank mates for Golden Barbs?

What fish are ideal tank mates for Golden Barbs?

The gold barb is an active, mildly aggressive schooling species that spends most of its time in the mid-level and bottom of the water. Its typical lifespan in captivity is around four to six years. This golden barb fish is often used in community tanks by fish keeping hobbyists.
Are Golden Barbs a shoaling fish?

Are Golden Barbs a shoaling fish?

The hardy Golden Barb or Chinese barb, Puntius sachsi, is a species of cyprinid fish native to the Red River basin in southeast Asia. Ideal for beginners.
Are Black Ruby Barbs aggressive?

Are Black Ruby Barbs aggressive?

The black ruby barb (Pethia nigrofasciata, formerly Puntius nigrofasciatus) or purplehead barb is a tropical cyprinid fish endemic to Sri Lanka, where it occurs in forested streams from the Kelani basin to the Nilwala basin.
Are Long Finned Rosy Barbs a shoaling fish?

Are Long Finned Rosy Barbs a shoaling fish?

The Rosy Barb, Pethia conchonius, is a great addition to most community, freshwater aquariums. They are hardy, good for beginners and can survive well in temperate water. Rosy Barbs will happily swim around in a shoal.
OATA Care Guide: Barbs

OATA Care Guide: Barbs


OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. Barbs make an active addition to an aquarium. However, some of them can be aggressive and are notorious fin nippers. 

Are Red Tailed Tinfoil Barbs aggressive?

Are Red Tailed Tinfoil Barbs aggressive?

The Red-tail Tinfoil Barb is a good-sized Cyprinid fish that reaches up to about 8 inches (20 cm) in length fully grown in captive aquaria.
Are Diamond Sharks aggressive?

Are Diamond Sharks aggressive?

The Diamond Shark (Hypsibarbus wetmorei) is also commonly known as the Pale Barb or Golden Belly Barb. Like most popular aquarium sharks, the diamond shark is actually a type of barb, and will live absolutely fine in community tropical aquariums.