Fish Profiles: Hillstream Tiger Loach

Fish Profiles: Hillstream Tiger Loach

If you’re interested in keeping Hillstream Loach as a pet, it’s recommended to have a minimum tank size of 100 litres that is well oxygenated with a high flow rate - supplement with dissolved oxygen tablets if needed.
Will a Clown Loach control my Aquarium Snail problem?

Will a Clown Loach control my Aquarium Snail problem?

Bottom Feeders
Clown Loach, as well as many other species in the same family, are often marketed as 'snail eaters' or 'pest snail control' for aquariums, but is this fair, and is this wise?
Classifying Fishes: Order Cypriniformes

Classifying Fishes: Order Cypriniformes

The order Cypriniformes contains a vast variety of fish, including all of the carp-like fish (Common carp, koi carp, mirror carp etc) and smaller fish such as barbs, rasboras and danios, plus loaches and others.
Do Red Tail Botia Loach eat snails?

Do Red Tail Botia Loach eat snails?

Yes the Red Tail Botia loach will eat snails, and also other crustaceans. Take care not to house Red Tail Loach with ornamental snails or shrimp, such as cherry shrimp. Click here to find out more.
Are Red Tail Botia loaches aggressive?

Are Red Tail Botia loaches aggressive?

Red Tail Botia loach can be identified by their blue-black body colouring and orange fins. Red tail botia may also display a black dot on their backs above the tail. Click here to find out how aggressive they are >
Will Skunk Botia Loach eat snails?

Will Skunk Botia Loach eat snails?

Yes the Skunk Botia loach will eat snails, and also other crustaceans. Take care not to house Skunk Loach with ornamental snails or shrimp, such as cherry shrimp.Click to find out more >
Are Skunk Botia Loaches aggressive?

Are Skunk Botia Loaches aggressive?


Skunk loaches are territorial and can be aggressive towards other bottom feeders and low-level swimmers. Housing Skunk loaches in groups of 5 or more will generally lower aggression. Click to find out more >

Do Butterfly Hillstream Loach eat a lot of algae?

Do Butterfly Hillstream Loach eat a lot of algae?

Hillstream Loach need highly oxygenated water and a ready source of algae - ensure you have a steady water flow, or an air stone bubbling in order for it to thrive. Rocks plants and driftwood make an ideal habitat for Hillstream Loaches.
OATA Guide to Hillstream Loach White Cloud Mountain Minnows Weather Loach

OATA Guide to Hillstream Loach White Cloud Mountain Minnows Weather Loach

Care Sheets

OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. These are three fish, (hillstream loach/Borneo sucker, White Cloud Mountain Minnow and Weather Loach), which can be added to aquariums containing goldfish.

OATA Care Guide: Loaches

OATA Care Guide: Loaches

Care Sheets

OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. This diverse group of fish all belong to the Cobitidae family. Despite being closely related, this family includes the large clown loach, to the eel-shaped kuhli loach.