Are Neon Tetra's easy to care for?

Are Neon Tetra's easy to care for?

Neons are a shoaling fish and thrive in higher numbers, so having a larger aquarium with plenty of swimming room and good filtration is highly recommended.
OATA Care Guide: Tetras, Danios and Rasboras

OATA Care Guide: Tetras, Danios and Rasboras

Care Sheets

OATA produce a good range of free care sheets for coldwater, tropical freshwater and marine fish as well as for invertebrates, aquatic reptiles and plants. These three fish groups belong to the families Cyprinidae (rasboras and danios), Characidae, Lebiasinidae and Alestidae (tetras). 

What is the difference between male and female Red Phantom Tetra?

What is the difference between male and female Red Phantom Tetra?

Two males may occasionally engage in minor aggression towards each other, presenting their magnificent fins, but rarely will it lead to any harm.