Fish Profiles: Apple Snail / Pomecea bridgesii

Fish Profiles: Apple Snail / Pomecea bridgesii

The food of choice would be an algae supplement, small or large algae wafers. A calcium block will help strengthen the shells. Apple snails will eat voraciously.
Fish Profiles: Apple Snail / Pomecea bridgesii

Fish Profiles: Apple Snail / Pomecea bridgesii

The food of choice would be an algae supplement, small or large algae wafers. A calcium block will help strengthen the shells. Apple snails will eat voraciously.
Fish Profiles: Lyretail Guppy

Fish Profiles: Lyretail Guppy

Fish Profiles
Once established, Lyre Tail guppies can tolerate varying warm water conditions and hardness, the more they breed in your aquaria, the hardier to your fish tank conditions they become.
Fish Profiles: Blue Cobra Guppy

Fish Profiles: Blue Cobra Guppy

Fish Profiles
Cobra guppies come in a variety of colours and patterns, including on their tails, with blue being one of the most sought after and popular.
Fish Profiles: Ember Tetra

Fish Profiles: Ember Tetra

Fish Profiles
Ember tetra are omnivorous. The main fish food we recommend would be flake crushed up or small granules. Because Ember tetra are small they cannot take big granules.
What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

What is the difference between Neon Tetra and Cardinal Tetra?

The cardinal tetra is a freshwater fish of the family Characidae of order Characiformes. It is native to the upper Orinoco and Negro Rivers in South America. The cardinal tetra lives in slow-moving waterways.
Fish Profiles: Neon Tetra

Fish Profiles: Neon Tetra

The Neon Tetra is probably the world's most popular small tropical fish that really brightens up a freshwater tropical aquarium. Neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) inhabit locations in South America.
Catnip and other Herbs for your Cat

Catnip and other Herbs for your Cat

Many people who complain about cats visiting their gardens, for whatever purpose, particularly those with overgrown gardens, often fail to realise that there might be common herbs or plants growing that may attract a cat.
What are aquarium Fish Nets useful for?

What are aquarium Fish Nets useful for?

Tropical fish are often delicate and can be easily stressed or injured. Using a soft, fine-mesh net helps minimise harm to their fins and scales. Read more >
Fish Profiles: Siamese Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens

Fish Profiles: Siamese Fighting Fish - Betta Splendens

As the name suggests, male Betta fish are typically aggressive, especially towards other male Betta - so solitary aquariums or tanks with bottom-feeder tankmates are recommended.
Fish Profiles: Dragon Wrasse

Fish Profiles: Dragon Wrasse

Fish Profiles
House only one per tank. Rockmover Wrasse should not be placed in a reef aquarium. Your marine aquarium should also have a tight-fitting lid to prevent it from jumping out.
Fish Profiles: American Flagfish

Fish Profiles: American Flagfish

The American flagfish is a voracious eater, so will eat almost anything vaible it finds in your aquarium. American Flag Fish have been known to eat hair algae and soft plant leaves.